Take the time to look at these links - one might make a difference

Po Bronson
I was browsing in a bookshop when I noticed ‘What should I do with my life?’ by Po Bronson. Po faced the challenges we all face and, in confronting these, he went out and found people who also had similar issues but had decided to do something about it. It’s a compilation of stories about ordinary people, just like you and me, some succeeding, some not, but all of them trying to change the course of their lives. Read the introduction to the book on the website. From memory it cost around A$23 and you just might derive some inspiration.

Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy is an acknowledged guru. I came across ‘The Psychology of Achievement’ in the late 80s. The main lesson for me was that what I do in my life is my own responsibility. If you can accept this basic tenet, then you’ve taken the first step to changing your life. There is a ton of common sense in Brian’s teaching, most of which we need to hear every now and again. The 6-CD set of 'The Psychology of Achievement' is a great investment.

A great name and one of the more remarkable sites I've ever come across. Described by the author, Alan Chapman, as 'Free career help, business training, organisational development - inspirational, innovative ideas, materials, exercises, tools, templates - free and fun'. I couldn't express it better. Take a few hours to explore and I'm sure you'll derive plenty of benefit.

This link will take you to an excellent all-round site and in particular a page dedicated  to helping women set up their own businesses. Australia is very similar to the USA with its gender gap, underpaying women compared to men for doing the same job and not giving women sufficient opportunity to progress in their careers. Consequently more and more women are setting up their own businesses and doing extremely well. Who can blame them?

Career Change
Bernie Bishop, who is based in Brisbane, has put together a very simple and very interesting site about career change and its different aspects. Well worth a look if career change is on your mind.

There are some excellent articles on this site, about career change and related topics, very well written by Yvette Maurice. Look for the main links in the bottom right-hand corner of this page and start exploring.

High-paying jobs without a degree - a lesson
I mention this site, not because it links back to my own site, but because it holds a very important lesson. We tend to concentrate on unemployment figures, but a rate of 5-10% obscures the fact that 90-95% of the workforce is actually employed, which suggests a very active economy. In any economy, there is continuous change, and one lesson that Grace Johnston made me aware of, and which the author of this site (Eddie Bautista) reinforces, is that you should always look for the sectors where there are going to be shortages. Once you’ve identified a sector, it’s then up to you to equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to make yourself employable. I admire Eddie for what he’s achieved, and for sharing his experience so that others can benefit.

The reason why I exchanged links with this website is because it's well put together and very professional. Though it's new, it has excellent potential. There are links to useful articles and other sites, and once the forum gets going people will be able to share information and ideas, all of which is very helpful in deciding our new career direction.

Career Tests
Check out this collection of tests related to career and career development. There are also loads of other Ph.D-certified IQ & personality tests. Worth a look. You might find out more about yourself.

Useful site for small-business planning
I was alerted to this site by the students of Green Mountain Central School District in Vermont. They sent me an email via their teacher, Regina, thanking me for the information they had derived from my website whilst doing research for their individual senior class business projects. They thought it appropriate to tell me about this other site and I agree, as it's got a ton of useful information on setting up a small business. As Regina says, 'this might serve as a wonderful example of how reaching out to others on the Web is a great way to share helpful information and resources'. I couldn't agree more so many thanks to Regina and the students of GMSCD and thanks also for reminding me of my wonderful holiday in Vermont in the 1990s.

Advice and steps to starting up a small business

This one is brought to me by Aaron in Morrow County, Georgia, USA. Jenna, his tutor, told me that Aaron came across my site whilst doing research for his own small business and thought that I might be interested in this site. Too right, Aaron, and thanks for thinking of me. Good luck in getting your own business up and running. Who knows, you could be the next Bill Gates.

No, I'm not on commission for any of the above!